Compared with the general enterprise website, marketing type site is significantly different, such as search engine performance, good user experience, which also determines the out of the ordinary marketing type website construction. In short, marketing type site is not art, clear such sites must be designed, which is convenient for users to browse. A good marketing type site can well visitors into customers. Marketing type site in the on-line operation, maintenance and operation of the site also put forward certain requirements.
1. 网站内容的更新
The content of the web site update
在当下信息大爆炸的时代,互联网用户在浏览企 业网站时,最为关心的问题就是网站中是否有需要的信息、信息的可靠性以及时效性。一个营销型网站在建成上线以后,为了尽可能发挥营销型网站的作用,并让更 多的访客转化为客户,一个必不可少的要求就是及时更新网站内容。因此,就需要研究和跟踪行业的最新动态,并在网站中及时发布企业最新的产品、价格以及服务 等信息,从而保持网站中的信息都是最新消息。
In the current era of information explosion, Internet users in the browse enterprise web site, the most concern is the site whether there is a need for information, the reliability and timeliness of information. A marketing type site built in the on-line, as far as possible in order to play the role of marketing type website, and let more visitors into customers, an essential requirement is to update the content of the website. Therefore, we need to study the latest developments and tracking industry, and at sites in the timely release of the latest enterprise product, price and service information, so as to maintain the website information is the latest news.
2. 维护网站安全
Maintenance of website security
营销型网站的对外开放性,不仅给企业发布商务信 息提供了便利,也便于客户在网站中选购所需要的商品。但是营销型网站的这个特性也给网站的安全带来了潜在威胁。因此网站后期维护不可或缺的一部分工作就是 保证网站的安全运营。从网站的安全角度考虑,需要保证网站业务系统的正常运行,同时还需要确保企业商务信息不被泄露。此外,网站的维护管理人员还需要不断 发掘网站的薄弱环节和安全漏洞,并及时进行修复和改进。
The opening of the marketing type site, not only to the enterprise business information provides a convenient, but also facilitate customers in the web site to buy needed goods. But the characteristics of marketing type website to the website security poses a potential threat to. So the website maintenance is a necessary part of the job is to ensure the safe operation of the site. From a security point of view the website, need to ensure the normal operation of the website service system, but also need to ensure that the business information is not leaked. In addition, the maintenance of the website managers also need to continuously explore the site's weakness and vulnerability, and timely repair and improvement.
3. 分析网站访问量数据
Analysis of site traffic data
网站成功上线后,网站访问量的 高低直接关系到了网站的运营与生存。一个网站访问次数的多少直接体现了网站受用户欢迎程度以及发展前景的强弱。对于营销型网站而言,访问量的统计也是网站 维护的重要部分。通过对访问量数据的分析,可以了解网站的优势与不足,从而有针对性的对网站进行相应的更改。访问数据的分析还能有利于选择更合适的网站宣 传推广手段。
The success of the website online, the website visit quantity is directly related to the operation and survival website. How much of a website access times directly reflects the website popularity by users and the development prospects of strength. For the marketing type site, an important part of traffic statistics and website maintenance. Through the analysis of traffic data, can understand the website advantage and shortcomings, which are targeted by the corresponding changes to the site. Analysis can also access data to choose a more suitable site promotion means.
4. 用户信息的收集与及时反馈
The collection of information and timely feedback to the user
从某种程度上来说,营销型网站是一个动态网站,具有很强的交互性。 很多营销型网站都会设置专门的留言簿、电子邮件列表等信息发布和存放系统,从而提供了一个与用户交流沟通的平台。这些平台可以用来收集网站访客提出的意见 或建议,并了解用户的需求。在网站的日常维护中,需要对平台上用户的各种反馈信息进行及时的处理,并保证用户能够在最短的时间内得到满意的答复。由于留言 访客往往可以成为网站潜在的客户群,因此在给予必要的重视后,就能够不断扩展网站的客户群。
To some extent, marketing type site is a dynamic website, has the very strong interaction. A lot of marketing type website will set the message board, email list the information release and storage system, which provides a communication platform to communicate with users. The platform can be used to collect web site visitors comments or suggestions, and understand the needs of users. In the daily maintenance of the website, need all kinds of platform user feedback information in time, and ensure that the user can be satisfied with the reply in the shortest period of time. Because the message visitors can often become the site of potential customers, so to give the necessary attention, will be able to expand the site's customer base.
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